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What is the Maximum number of ATM PINs that ever exist?

What is the maximum number of ATM pins that exist Befor we understand how we can know all the possible number of ATM PINs or 4 digit passwords, we need to understand a little bit of probability in the area of permutations and combinations.
Permutations are used in statistics to determine the number of ways a set of things can be arranged while combinations are used to determine the number of ways you can choose from a set of things .
For instance you can have a set of 10 students, you can use permutation to determine how many ways you can arrange these 10 students taking 5 students at a time ,6 students at a time, etc , but i'll explain that later in this article .Combinations on the other hand are used to determine the number of ways you can choose from a given sample at a time.

So at this point you might be wondering the difference between "Choose" and "Arrange".
Lets assume you have a given set of things A,B,C,D. If you want to choose from the set of given things taking two items at a time you can have A,B or C,B and when you choose A ,B = B,A but when you arrange A,B is diferent from B,A which means A,B≠B,A (Read as A,B is not equal to B,A incase you are not familiar with mathematical terms) .In this article im going to focus more on permutations.


What are Permutations?

As i said earlier permutations are used in statistics(probability) to arrange things it is represented this way:




Which is read as n Permutation r. If we have 3 items "1,2,3" lets say and we want to calculate the number of ways we can arrange 3 things taking the 3 at a time we can say 3 permutation 3 or simply 3!(read as 3 factorial ) .

n!(read as n factorial) can be writen as:



Well if you are not familiar with math the above formula might seem a little bit complicated but you shouldn't worry about that , i'll explain it a little bit befor we move forward. If you have three things that are different, "1,2,3 " lets say you can arrange them in 3! (three factorial) ways ,that is

3! → 3*2*1 = 6
4! → 4*3*2*1 = 24
5! → 5*4*3*2*1 =120
....... and so on

So in the case of 3! or number of ways we can arrange three things we can say 3! → 3*2*1 = 6 so there are 6 ways of arranging 3 things that are different. so in the case of "1,2,3" we can arrange them this way :


so we where correct! the maximum number of ways you can arrange three things are 6 ways or 3! ways.
Note this condition does not hold if 2 things in the sample we are given to arrange repeat, for instance 1,3,3 can be arranged in 3!÷2! not 3! ways because 2 things repeat , that is 3 and 3.

Okay now we move to permutations,if we are given 10 things to arrange taking 4 at a time , we cannot say 10! because 10! will give us the number of ways we can arrange the 10 things taking the 10 at a time ,this is where permutation comes in a case where we are looking to arrange 10 things taking 4 at a time we will say 10 permutation 4 which is written as :




Note that the higher number always comes firs when we are reprrsenting permutation in this form ,that is ,the value of n is always greater than or equal to r .


Lets explain this better if we have


We can calculate it using the formula




So in our case we wanted to calculate 10P4 (read as 10 permutation 4) we will subtitute the values of n and r into the equaion to have




which gives us 5040, This means that there are 5040 of arranging 10 things taking 4 at a time.


How to derive the all the ATM pins

There are 10 digits that 4 digit pins can be derived from :
Lets start from the simplest .We can have 4 digit passwords like:

Which means there are 10 possible passwords of this type. Next we can have passwords like
and so on just by taking 2 numbers at a time and making them 4 digits.In this case we are taking 2 things out of 10 things at a time and making them 4 by rewriting each of them one more time.For instance we can take 1 and 2 out of 0-9 and make it 4 digits like this :
1122 or 2211 or 1212 or 2121
So how do we find the number of 4 digit passwords of this kind? From 0-9 (10 things) we can take 2 digits at a time .The number of ways we can arrange 10 things taking 2 at a time is 10P2 which gives 90. But we also need to make them 4 by writing 1122,2211, etc. Next we need to arrange 1122,2211 so how to we do that we say:

Which gives 6 ,that means we can arrange 4 thing in 6 ways if 2 things in the sample are identical .So for 4 digit passwords which 2 numbers are identical there are 6*90or 6(10P2) possible passwords.

We can also have passwords like
1123,3312,9811 .That means out of 4 digits 2 digits are identical ,the other 2 are different. So how many type of this passwords exist ? first we need to understand that in this case , out of 0-9 we are taking 3 numbers at a time so we .We can take 3 things out of 10 things at a time in 10P3 ways. But there are 4 digits so we also need to calculate the number of ways we can arrange 4 things where 2 things are identical.We can do this by :




So there are 12(10P3) possible types of this password.

We can also have passwords that nothing repeats ,that is , the 4 digits are unique and there are no identical digits. Since there are no identical digits ,there are 10P4types of such passwords.

Finally we can have passwords like 1113, 2221,5000 ,etc. Just passwords where 3 digits repeat . There are 10P2 maximum number combinations that could makeup such passwords. But you can rearrange those passwords formed in 10P2 ways by 4!/3! Ways . So the maximum combination of such passwords will be  (4!3!)(10P2)=360

Now its time to add up everything to find the total possible number of 4 digits passwords or ATM pins.

10 + 10P4 + 6(10P2) + 12(10P3)+4(10P2)=14230


So we have 14,230 possible ATM pins!.

Share your thoughts in the comment of you doubt my calculations


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